

26/9 pm Supplementary note:

i didnt went there this afternoon :P
more photos at the end of this entry
you may pay a visit to their barely nothing website:




OPI nail polish

(in order of my likeness)
- F15 You don't know Jacques {horrible unique and gorgeous }
- F16 Tickle me france-y {nudish pink with a slight tint of grey, the most everyday one}
- F23 Crepes Suzi-ette {a warm woman-y colour, orangy brown red :P}
- F18 I'm Fondue of You {男同學形容為: 甜醬}
- F14 Parlez vous OPI? {完全是芋頭色}
- F13 Louvre me Louvre me not {royal purple, hvnt tried :P mum chose this one}

refer to :


OPI Hollywood Sweetheart Beauty Kit

mini polish in Hollywood Blonde AND No Autographs, Please
2 shades of shadow, 2 shades of lip color

{hvn't tried these yet. hehe. gift from mum}


eye shadow brush @ Ah Si

cheek brush @ Bonjour


crease brush @ sephora

sephora @ soy street



只有少量遊客 和三數個local OL-like lady

店裡頗多sales or beauty assistant


反而有三五七位外籍人士 可能是management 也可能是trainer

在幫HK BA 化妝 或在 指手劃腳 (discussing about display or i dont know)


1) 沒有人打擾我亂搞 全新的 試用品

-- 好啦 我真的很早去到
不管是 sephora stila lola ck benefit guerlain givenchy dior lancome clinique
無論是 化妝品 護膚品 tools 都可以自由自在的摸
super super high ^^
我玩的大約1hr 裡面
印象中有兩-三個BA 嘗試serve 我 (包括給我make up remover for cleaning hand)
但不專業 (他們不夠自信和熟悉products) 的sales/BA
沒有過來hardsell/disturb --> 非常欣賞

2) 有很多的 tools

-- make up forever and sephora brushes 都很好摸

3) 有free gift -- nail polish ^^


1) BA 不夠 PRO

-- 他們中 女的化著不太吸引的妝
男的有些皮膚不太好 樣子也不突出
(OK i was judging on how they look, but they are selling make up, so...)

2) 廣告leaflet中的 stila covergirl love your look 彩妝書 沒有貨 ><

3) 價錢比較貴呢(全是專櫃貨) ..

-- 雖然小心比較 還是有比US 便宜的!!!
比方說我買了的crease brush,
US$16 (~HK$125), 我買 HK$109 Only :P


我想我在下午可能再去一遍 :P


-- the end --

-- feel free to leave a comment or question ^^ --


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