目前分類:試色 + 慾望清單 *swatches*wish-list* (11)

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我已經有太多產品在手... 也沒有甚麼銀兩在袋...

希望有有心人會替我完成心願 :(


Make Up

- Urban Decay Book of Shadows Vol. 2 (US$48.00)

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* = order next time



A3 Green Tea Extract Cleansing Milk

A20 Rose Tonic

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- false eyelashes

- pigments (LA Splash, Daiso $10, MAC, MakeUpForever)

- stila convertible (will there be clearance anytime?)

- stila brushes

- stila smudge pots

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我想要the whole collection.

oh my god. 豹紋. ><



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暫時只有一樣.. KOSE set.. i love their Eye Fantasist! but i already hv 3 colors (not beige or brown though) @@

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splurge or steal or use up everything i possess first? :(



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(under shopping mall light)

 (under shopping mall light)

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Bronzer: http://www.bourjois.fr/teint/poudres/192

i love my bourjois chocolate bronzer

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上排是colour sense cream eyeshadow n glitter eyeliner
(460) 56, 57, 55, 54

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(picture copied from somewhere - not mine!)

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